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| | Hud | Pre Ayat ← 47 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 4. History of Noah | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:Noah meekly replied, "My Lord, I seek Thy protection lest I should ask of Thee anything of which I have no knowledge. For if Thou forgivest me not for my presumption, and hast not mercy on me, I shall be totally ruined.
Translit: Qala rabbi innee aAAoothu bika an asalaka ma laysa lee bihi AAilmun wailla taghfir lee watarhamnee akun mina alkhasireena
0 QalaQala
1 rabbirabbi
2 inneeinniy
3 aAAoothua`uwthu
4 bikabika
5 an | أَنْ | that (with verb in the subj. indicating an action not yet realized, with verb in the perf. indicating that which has happened |conj.| Combined Particles an
6 asalakaasalaka
7 ma | مَا | what |interro. pron.|, that which |relative pron|, not |negation|, as long as |conj.| whenever, the fact that Combined Particles ma
8 laysa | لَيْسَ| it was not Kana Sistersy
9 lee | لِي | for me Combined Particles
10 bihibihi
11 AAilmun`ilmun
12 wailla | وَإِلَّا | (and if not), otherwise, else Combined Particles il
13 taghfirtaghfir
14 lee | لِي | for me Combined Particles
15 watarhamneetarhamn
16 akunakun
17 mina | مِنَْ | of, some, from, away from |prep.| Combined Particles mina
18 alkhasireenaalkhasiriyna